Gorilla Tag Logo with lava monke on top

Welcome to the Gorilla Tag History Page!

Not on Quest?

Note: The Steam version costs money (to stop hackers).
If your browser stops autoplay, or if you don't like the music, heres your controls.


January 26, 2020. This was the date the creator of Gorilla Tag, LemmingVR posted to Reddit.

LemmingVR Reddit Post

This was our first sight into Gorilla Tag's beginings, and was likely the first Unity project to feature this W.I.P locomotion. The video showed Lemming in VR climbing the platforms, in our favorite Gorilla(ey) way.

LemmingVR Reddit Post 2

In his second post on the game, he showed a massive parkour course with the background wall using the texture that if you've played Gorilla Tag before, you'd recognise as the rock monke texture. On twitter, he posted the first gameplay of Gorilla Tag multiplayer with, ya know... Tag! (i do not have access to twitter right now, but if you want to see, heres Lemming's twitter handle: @LemmingVR) Next, Lemming added a prototype CTF, (capture the flag) but he though it wasn't very fun. He then added a fireball to the game, but shelved it entirely. Next, he made a tutorial (much more in-depth that gorilla tag's current one...) and finally added finger movement, decreasing the amount of fingers on the hand to the three that we still have today. He added a new cave map that looks like the proto caves we had in a rotating map, except the one he had was all black rock. He finally added a leaderboard, but in place of the regular report buttons, there was... levels? In a later update he added an XP system, later removed. The next update was something we all know in gorilla tag today.

The forest!

The new player model was pretty basic, just a textureless guy.

The forest's first version

The gazibo was completly missing, and the stump had steps instead of the slopes we have now. Next version, we get back the robot model and in stump there are now turn settings on a table, and a much smaller box computer on the floor. The slide we've gotten used to today was added for the first time. Gorilla Tag was being prepared for the first SideQuest/Applab release.


Under Construction! This will be added soon...


Under Construction! This will be added soon...


Under Construction! This will be added soon...